early art paintings by kmberggren on sale

Early Art Sale & Private Group!

Many cool things!
I have some *early* KmB paintings on *SALE* in my Etsy shop! They’ve been going kinda fast, pop over and see if there is one for you!

early kmberggren artwork on sale


I have started a private KmBerggren Community Group on Facebook – this is where I am going to go deeper on my Silent Story, and a couple other projects that I am working on. This private group feels safer than dumping my ideas into the lap of the general public 😊 so far I love it. Come join!
I just put a call out this morning in the group for Mindful Mothering Project submissions!

~~~~ Silent Story Update ~~~~

Thank you for your feedback, so far. Putting this project back out into the world is tickling my vulnerabilities. That is Resistance, and I will rise above it. Thus, I appreciate your emails SOOO MUUCH!! 😊

I have a new fire in my belly for this project… stemming from a realization that my wounds from the incident that spurred this project are now officially scars… and so this is the time to put more of this journey onto paper.
I’m dumping myself into this project, voluntarily.
This project has my heart. It twists and challenges my heart. Creating the artwork for this upcoming book is requiring that I steep myself in past pains. 
I have found healing through the creation of these pieces. I have found purpose in my pain, as they say.


If you want to see more along the journey of Silent Story, please join the Private Community FB Group.

So far, the responses have been kind, thank you, and one response was unkind – shockingly and aggressively unkind. But oh well. I’m not doing this for attention. I’m 42 now, and I know that I’m allowed to create for/from my heart, and not assume others will connect with what I create.

kmberggren private facebook group

Want to go deeper?
I've previously written 9 blog posts:


See the 1st Silent Story post
See the 2nd Silent Story post
See the 3rdSilent Story post
See the 4th Silent Story post
See the 5th Silent Story post
See the 6th Silent Story post
See the 7th Silent Story post
See the 8th Silent Story post
See the 9th Silent Story post

 Have a wonderful week's end. Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy. 

Love & Sincerely, Katie

kmberggren paintings

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