Soul Memory, a brand new Mama & 5 Children painting ~ I’m Scared (Silent Story)
katie berggrenI hope you are doing well in this strange time. Taking care of YOU and those, young and old, who rely on you. Be gentle on yourself, be forgiving. I hope you will find time each day for movement, exploration and perhaps some writing – since writing is so healing. Even if you just write down one thing that irritates you each day, it’s okay. We all get irritated. Then follow it with one thing that made you smile, or maybe two things. Find some time for YOU, so YOU can be a better family member.
This is a new and unprecedented time for our families, as far as I know. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Our schools have closed for 6 weeks, maybe more. Our school buses are delivering bagged breakfast and lunch meals to any kid who stands at the bus stop in the morning. No questions asked. Even extras for younger siblings and parents.
I have to say this idea has warmed my heart tremendously. Knowing that children in my neighborhood who rely on school meals are NOT going hungry right now. And I can’t help but wonder WHO came up with this idea? Who had the thought that the school buses could travel their routes and GIVE, instead of picking up? I’m humbled by that person.
As with any new commitment, be it an exercise program, a goal to create each day, a lifestyle change, a new job ~ we have our fears and worries.
I promised last week that I’d tell you what I’m scared of with my new Silent Story project:

My Silent Story is a heartfelt secret that I’m sharing with you. Looking past shame, turning her back on fear, my girl is opening her heart to you. She is hoping you will listen. She is encouraging us to create space for others to share their stories and secrets. Urging us to listen to our loved ones, to see them, hear them and accept their emotions.

~~~~ Soul Memory, a brand new original painting ~~~~
While contemplating my list of titles for this new painting, words I’ve written down while working… I hit upon “Soul Memory” and my spirit leapt! I think of a mother’s soul and how it never forgets her child. Holding them close to her face, her spirit soaks them in. A deep memory of them against her.
In this painting the mother wraps her whole heart-shaped body around her children. All of them together in one warm embrace. The eldest children are spellbound by their mama, seeing her with wide open eyes and feeling accepted and welcomed into her arms after being apart.
The mother holds them all as tight and close as possible. As they all meld together, the new baby is the little key to their future, an interlocking piece pulling them together into one close and loving unit.
This painting is available for purchase (16×16 inches, $715 USD with free global shipping) ~ email me if she is YOURS. First come, first served.
My boys and I just walked up to the grocery store to pick a treat. One son picked chips, one picked donuts, I picked broccoli and a green smoothie (but I’m also going to partake in the donuts and chips). Everyone needs a treat, and I don’t feel bad that they embraced this idea and went with junk food. It’s okay.
Take care of yourself. I’m wishing you health and peace and quiet, when possible.
Love & Sincerely, Katie