Make Things Happen – more from my Silent Story project

katie berggren

I have more to share with you, from my Silent Story project.

See the first Silent Story post here

See the second Silent Story post here

See the third Silent Story post here

See the fourth Silent Story post here

I’ve been working on this project for many, many months now. Driven by an urge within my heart. A feeling that this book NEEDS to exist. Inspired by my experience and discovering that MOST of us have a story like this… a time when we’ve felt betrayed or forgotten… hurt (you aren’t alone).

What started as MY story is being inspired by the life and stories of those I care about. And YOU who have written me back and shared your words and experiences. I’m spurred on, feeling even more like this book needs to exist.

I have quite a road ahead of me, though. One requiring a lot of leg-work, heart-work, hand-work, trust and faith (and money). I won’t lie that I’m feeling fear and the familiar nervousness of releasing a heartfelt ‘baby’ into the world, only to have it buried beneath noise and distractions. This is a huge fear. Being a creator isn’t a joke. 

I could share several examples of inspirations I’ve followed through on; projects (great ideas!) that I’ve worked hard to create then release with great joy and so much promise… only to soon find them lost in the noise… the noise of social media and online marketing (a few examples: Color Your Love, T-Shirts, Mini Mixes), I don’t like to nag about my available products (read as: I’m not great at marketing), so interest fades away… I think every creator knows this feeling. 

Being a creative entrepreneur isn’t for the easily-offended.

It’s for those who say “…I’m doing it anyway. Because someday I’ll be dead, and when that day comes, I’m going to regret not taking this chance and making this happen”.

I have much more to say, but I am trickling it out to you (because: NOISE. And you have other places to be right now, I’m sure).

But I do thank you, I appreciate you who open my emails – who take the time to write back. I’m putting my heart in your hands. I’m putting my heart in front of your eyes. And to be honest, putting my heart in the hands of someone I trusted was what started this WHOLE thing.

Here is another image from this project, I’m calling her “Make Things Happen” and she’s one of my favorite pieces for this project, so far. Because even when we get down, fall down, feel down… we must get UP and make things happen, anyway. No more promises and intentions that fizzle out… enough talk… DO IT.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

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