Loss & Hurt ~ Valentine’s Day

I have 2 special somethings to share with you today:

1) More from my loss & hurt project: the shape of us…

2) Valentine’s Day gift…


View the page devoted to A Silent Story


1) I am infinitely grateful for your thoughts about my Seeker and my Silent Story (in process). Over the last couple weeks, I told you about the Wild Tenderness Collection and Painting On Purpose. Now we are back on track with more Loss & Hurt (ha ha!)

My Seeker started appearing in my artwork in October of 2006 (if you missed that email, it’s here), and I was blown-away by the number of women who felt her, saw her and wrote to tell me about how she made them feel when I shared her on January 23rd.

“That is a beautiful gift you have created for women, that subtle nod/appreciation of the journey we go on… It is an empathetic, compassionate, creative all-knowing interpretation of motherhood. My interpretation of what you were conveying might not be 100% accurate. But it caused me to literally ball my eyes out crying in work, because it touched my heart and gave me goosebumps.” ~ A.O. (thank you)

“I experienced a whole wide range of emotions looking at each of them and being reminded how many similar experiences we all share throughout life, where the details may differ, but the bigger picture is so similar for so many of us. And it helps to not feel so alone.” ~ M.P. (thank you)

I’ve been writing my blog/weekly email for almost ELEVEN years now, give or take some extras and some missed weeks. I’m not seeking sympathy when I say that I sometimes feel pretty invisible. Not because folks don’t like me, but because we all keep ourselves so busy.

In truth, I would bet money that A LOT OF US FEEL invisible more often than we’d like to admit. This is another reason I’m creating my Silent Story.

So, hearing from you made me feel like I was a part of something.

Thank You! You told me you related to her, she moved you, and you saw your journey through my “Seeker”.

I wonder if she looks oddly familiar because (I think) the shape of you and I beneath our hair and bodies, clothes and extra chub, and all that we put on and say and pretendis a strong and real spirit, earnest, authentic, a bit awkward, and open-eyed.

That is how I see my Seeker, my girl… 

She’s angular, but also soft. With long arms that will wrap around you if you need them, but will also wrap around herself when she’s feeling vulnerable. She has long legs to stand tall, but also to fold in on themselves. She has a long body that can arch in triumph, stretch with joy, or double-over from grief.   

I think many of us, deep down, can relate to this true being. I have another image to share with you – of “my girl” on her journey through my newest project that I’m calling Silent Story (working title).


ghosted by a friend, sadness after breakup art therapy paintings


2) Valentine’s Day gift

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! So I want to give you a gift. In any order now through Saturday, please write “Free 8-inch print” in your order comments, and put in the name of a free print you’d like to receive (or ask me to surprise you). It will be My Gift To You. (a $22 value). No Coupon Code Necessary. Just your words in the comment box. Let me know if I can help in any way.

So, Happy Love Day tomorrow… I hope you find time and ways to show your feelings – not by buying expensive gifts, but by treating those you love in small tender ways. I’m making a special ice cream cake for my three boys. And today I’m going to make some homemade truffles for them (and me!!).

Love to you, Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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