Updates from the KmBerggren Studio

Keep or Give to Old Ladies? ♥

Keep or Give to Old Ladies? ♥


I’ve talked about my grandma many times before. She’s the inspiration behind Painting On Purpose ~ the painting for POP 2024 is still available! All of the proceeds will go...

Keep or Give to Old Ladies? ♥


I’ve talked about my grandma many times before. She’s the inspiration behind Painting On Purpose ~ the painting for POP 2024 is still available! All of the proceeds will go...

Paintings I've Kept ♥ Getting Free Art & Coupons

Paintings I've Kept ♥ Getting Free Art & Coupons


Have you had a chance to move forward with activities that make you feel JOY (or another of your core feelings) without relying on or waiting for anyone/thing to happen?...

Paintings I've Kept ♥ Getting Free Art & Coupons


Have you had a chance to move forward with activities that make you feel JOY (or another of your core feelings) without relying on or waiting for anyone/thing to happen?...

paintings of women, painting of sunshine, painting inspired by seneca, art inspired by stoicism, butterfly painting, kmberggren, kim berggren,

Enthusiasm ♥ something new


Remember when I mentioned core enthusiasms last week? Messages from the soul.  Have you had a chance to consider what yours are? If you can travel back through your life in your...

Enthusiasm ♥ something new


Remember when I mentioned core enthusiasms last week? Messages from the soul.  Have you had a chance to consider what yours are? If you can travel back through your life in your...

Desiring Mindfully

Desiring Mindfully


If I really listen to my soul, it speaks to me of a few enthusiasms: compassion, creation, simplicity, service.    Have you given your soul a quiet moment to speak...

Desiring Mindfully


If I really listen to my soul, it speaks to me of a few enthusiasms: compassion, creation, simplicity, service.    Have you given your soul a quiet moment to speak...

studio rearrange, re-arrange furniture in art studio, refresh a space, artist studio, a room of my own

Studio Re-Arrange - Do you love doing this, too? ♥


Have you felt the grip of Resistance when you KNOW you need to be getting something creative or soul-filling done? You are not alone! (at the bottom I share a...

Studio Re-Arrange - Do you love doing this, too? ♥


Have you felt the grip of Resistance when you KNOW you need to be getting something creative or soul-filling done? You are not alone! (at the bottom I share a...

simplified and decluttered home with wood floors

De-Cluttering AND Creating - Tips!


There was a large period of my life where my first morning thought was “What area can I declutter today?” This was well before Marie Kondo came on the scene :)   My...

De-Cluttering AND Creating - Tips!


There was a large period of my life where my first morning thought was “What area can I declutter today?” This was well before Marie Kondo came on the scene :)   My...

Did you miss these beauties?

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