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SOLD ♥ Near Your Voice - Original Painting

SOLD ♥ Near Your Voice - Original Painting

Regular price $429.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $429.00 USD
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Message from the Artist: May we take a moment to hear the expressions of the Earth, nature is calling. Sometimes she rings out clear, sometimes she’s a rush of rhythm and pattern. The world gets noisy, the atmosphere around us beats with dense momentum and we sometimes just need to stop. To close our eyes and listen. To hear only the voice of the breeze, the song of the birds. And to feel the warmth of the soul right next to us. Stepping out into nature requires little of us, yet rewards us with pure presence. If we listen. 

The world is such a big place, and there are so many factors beyond our control. Let’s strive to stop, to find a safe place, to feel satisfaction for what is in front of us. Let’s feel open skylines and possibilities, but also REST.

Each painting in my Open Skies Collection began with me needing MY space. My locked-in, leave-me-alone place and time. But they blossom into their own sources of HOPE. Rectangles of light and sky where you are welcomed, where you can feel like the world is your own. Dwell here and take a moment. Feel peace. Feel seen. Feel in control.

Allow the Open Skies paintings to serve you, as your windows into a peaceful place where no one is asking anything of you. Let’s breathe.


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