Reinventing for Clarity ~ Tender Illumination

Reinventing for Clarity ~ Tender Illumination


I’ve spent the last 12 days re-inventing my Online Studio Shop. The main goal is to create clarity and beauty for you. If you know me, you know I’m a minimalist who loves to evaluate the visuals around me. I’ve done a LOT of that in my shop. Setting aside some older pieces, for now, and bringing forth some of the beauty that has been hidden. What will you find that you've never seen before?!


I’ve also put a lot of earlier original paintings on a special savings, just to knock off a hunk of dollars for you. I've said many times: ART is what I have to give

You'll see some paintings with savings here.

But mostly here.
Want to snag a super rad deal on some original paintings?


I do this once every couple years, and I’ll leave these savings active for a week or two. Let me know if you have any questions or can’t find what you are looking for in the new design.


It’s time for the 11th Annual Painting On Purpose.

Painting On Purpose is a project I created in honor of my grandma Neva, and it allows me to support families with my paintings. So far, this project has allowed me to give $7216.00 to 9 different organizations.


Tender Illumination is the 10th Annual POP painting... an extraordinary and heart-warming piece, still waiting for the perfect Forever Home. Created just last year, she is the only Painting On Purpose painting from the past 11 years to remain available! 


warm and gentle mother and child painting, warm red orange yellow pink painting of Mexican mother and daughter kmberggren

With her stunning warmth and captivating butterfly energy, she promises to be a timeless addition to any collection. Don’t miss the chance to bring her into your life! AND ALL of her proceeds go straight to THE HOPE EFFECT to care for orphaned children all over the world. I won't be keeping a dime :)


warm and gentle mother and child painting, warm red orange yellow pink painting of Mexican mother and daughter kmberggren
non-ai art, art made by humans, art from real hands, artist studio painting, ai-free artwork, real artwork by artists, kmberggren art, kim berggren art, km berggren, km bergrren, berrgrenn art, berggrren art, mother and child paintings, mother and daughter artwork, mother and son painting, art prints of mother and child, mother and daughter art print, mother and son art, kimberggren, kmbergrenn, kmberrggrrenn art, kim berggren, katie bergren, kati berggrenn art, mother and child artwork, kim bergren art, kim berggrenn art, kimbergren art, km berrggrrenn art, katie bergrenn art, katie bergeron art, bergreen, kim berrgren, kmberrgren, kmberggreen, berggeron art
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