Officially 40 ~ Priorities Change

katie berggren

I’m now officially 40 years old! Someone I love very much has been telling me that 40 would bring my body breaking down and gaining weight and not working quite as well…

 I’m passionate about food and healing, nutrition and natural remedies. I’m passionate about having a chemical free home and chemical free bodies in my home. 

I’m insane about not overdoing it on sugar or grains. I’ve been baking without wheat for around 6 years and switched over to almond butter several years ago (still trying to move the hubs and kiddos over). 

I’m prone to 3-day green juice feasts and I LOVE intermittent fasting (nearly EVERY day for MANY years). My 3-year daily-fresh-veggie juice anniversary is in one week. 

I feel armored against certain age-related changes. And I believe in the power of the mind  

But, I DO feel different. My belly blub is a little harder to say goodbye to (I’m totally NOT an exercise junky – it’s walking and yoga for me). 

I need more sleep (9 hours!) now. And I’m much pickier about what I put in my brain in the form of movies and shows. Garbage In Garbage Out ~ I want ZERO garbage in my paintings. 

But Here’s the BIGGEST thing (besides realizing that money doesn’t buy happiness): I look at life in regard to how I will be remembered at the end of mine, and how I make others feel. What I can contribute. 

It feels like a lovely maturity. I now have MORE to say in my writing – and more to contribute to conversations about life and learning. Balanced with the understandings that silence is golden, and I have a lot to learn. 

At this point, this is how I feel: 40 isn’t scary – any age can be scary if we are hurtling mindlessly toward it, expecting others to tell us what we should do, trusting companies who want us to believe that we need this and that to be “better”. 

I believe in nutritious food, good sleep, amazing cuddles, questions, conversations, listening and movement. That’s where life has put me right now.

 Thank you for reading and I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts on how your priorities have changed as the years go by.

Also, of course, I’ve been painting. Painting with music has been healing me lately, in multiple ways. I have just finished this pretty custom original for Donna in Canada her name is Together We Are Home

Together We Are Home - brand new custom painting by Katie m. Berggren

Together We Are Home – brand new custom painting by Katie m. Berggren

This is also one of my newest available paintings, Tender Gift Of Time – I just love this one! There is only ever ONE original of each painting.

Tender Gift Of Time - new original painting by Katie m. Berggren

Find all available original paintings here. 

And on Instagram or Facebook you can see the paintings I’m working on ~ and recipes, food and other tiddly bits ~ Check my Instagram Stories Here’s how: on your phone, on Instagram…


Thank you for taking the time to read along, enjoy your day!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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