no hand to hold ♥ original painting raffle

no hand to hold ♥ original painting raffle



mother and child art gifts, gifts for mothers day, mom and daughter print, mom and son artwork, gift for new mom, gift for new dad, points for purchasing artwork, kmberggren, kimberggren, katie berggren, km berggren



Imagine being a wide-eyed innocent child without a '#1' adult to gaze up at. No trusted and always-there hand to hold... No familiar face to bear a morning greeting and a bright smile... many big people, but not one that is YOUR very own person...


I'm teaming up with The Hope Effect to place orphaned and vulnerable children into loving families, from orphanages… so they can know the love of a family ♥ I like to think that 'family care living' promises loving attention, eye contact, connection, cuddles and playtime. And a trusted hand to hold. 


EVERY child deserves these things. Here's one of the kids.

►Join The Hope Effect's Circle of Hope monthly giving during the month of May, and your impact will be DOUBLED...for an entire year! A generous donor has agreed to match all new monthly gifts for the first 12 months. 

PLUS! You will automatically be entered into a raffle drawing to WIN my original painting DEEP HOPE (a $429 value), below. She will be shipped for free to one person who signs up for the Circle Of Hope for monthly giving, during the month of May, with ANY donation amount, using my special (no affiliate fees) link.



Deep Hope was not created for The Hope Effect, but she sure could have been... seems like a perfect fit!
I'd love for YOU to win her!


I am personally giving $25/month to the Circle Of Hope, to provide a Welcome Home kit for a child entering family care (which will be doubled to $50/mo for a whole year!) ♥ 

Won’t you join me? 



You may recognize The Hope Effect because I also chose them for Painting On Purpose 2024


Tender Illumination, an original painting ~ 100% of her sale price will benefit vulnerable children through the loving hands of The Hope Effect.


A flurry of lantern-like butterflies adorns the mother and child in this painting that glows with comfort and warmth. EVERY child deserves these moments, this gentle connection, this comfortable safety.


 And the buyer of this original painting will be joining me in GIVING to The Hope Effect. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of Tender Illumination will be handed over, from me (from the buyer), straight to The Hope Effect. 


This money will ensure that MORE children will have a gentle, loving experience. Make her yours... and help me help The Hope Effect to help children  

mother and child art gifts, gifts for mothers day, mom and daughter print, mom and son artwork, gift for new mom, gift for new dad, points for purchasing artwork, kmberggren, kimberggren, katie berggren, km berggren


Thank you for being a part of this community and for your support ♥ every order placed in my shop benefits vulnerable families and children throughout the year.

(and also my OWN family and children!)


Love & Sincerely,



non-ai art, art made by humans, art from real hands, artist studio painting, ai-free artwork, real artwork by artists, kmberggren art, kim berggren art, km berggren, km bergrren, berrgrenn art, berggrren art, mother and child paintings, mother and daughter artwork, mother and son painting, art prints of mother and child, mother and daughter art print, mother and son art, kimberggren, kmbergrenn, kmberrggrrenn art, kim berggren, katie bergren, kati berggrenn art, mother and child artwork, kim bergren art, kim berggrenn art, kimbergren art, km berrggrrenn art, katie bergrenn art, katie bergeron art, berggeron art

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