Kindred Collection ~ something new is starting soon

katie berggren

Over the last week or so, I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that I NEED to start a new collection of mini paintings… so many collections have emerged over the years, and they are really fun. 

But it IS summer, which means more mama-&-boys time and less mama-painting time… I really hope I’m not setting myself up for stress – because happy healthy boys and a happy healthy mama HAVE to remain my priority… 

Which means NO staying up painting ’til 2am and NO saying NO to playing Minecraft or park-time because mama needs to paint…

SO, I’m going to do it, and I’m going to trust that the inspiration and the flow and the joy and the energy will carry me through – I’m going to PLAN to release one new mini painting every Thursday with my weekly email (EXCEPT for when we are travelling this summer) and I’m going to continue painting every day.

Having a collection in blossom keeps me focused and prolific and the MORE ideas I come up with, the MORE GOOD IDEAS I’ll end up with, right?

More details to come – but I’m putting my hand in the air at this point to say “I’m gonna do it”. And I’m calling it the Kindred Collection – because the word “Kindred” popped into my head as I was falling asleep last night, and I love it.

I think I want YOU to send me photos that can inspire these paintings, but I also want to create paintings inspired by the pages of the Color Your Love Coloring Book, Volume 1. So, I’ll probably end up doing both.

The first painting will be released NEXT Thursday ~ June 28 ~ and I will be showing snapshots and video progress of these paintings on my Instagram and Facebook pages – also my Instagram Stories, which is so fun.

Thank you for taking the time to read along! I’d love to know your thoughts!


Do you WANT to email me a photo that you’d like to see painted in the Kindred Collection? I’ll give a free print to each mama whose photo is chosen, of the final painting inspired by her photo. That’s just common kindness

 Love & Sincerely, Katie 

Oh, and here is a custom original painting I just completed (last night!), her name is Dreaming Beautiful Dreams, and she is a 36×36″ painting on deep canvas

Dreaming Beautiful Dreams, new custom original painting by Katie m. Berggren

Dreaming Beautiful Dreams, new custom original painting by Katie m. Berggren


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