Haiku To Nurse By ~ Customs ~ 14%
katie berggrenI do not subscribe to the Cult Of Busy (as my friend, Liz, calls it) ~ and set up my days to NOT be busy… my family thrives on space, freedom and time to create and ‘be’. But life can’t be like that everyday.
I didn’t get my Thursday email sent ~ I DO want to be reliable. I made a conscious decision yesterday to set aside a couple hours to go see my grandma in the hospital (she’s home now) ~ and seeing her sweet face with bruises (she’d fallen) kept me at her bedside, wanting to gently rub her legs. Instead of working
I have something really cool to share with you, though! Meet Haiku To Nurse By – a brand new book by Melanie Lewis, a poet, attorney and mother in Western Massachusetts. I am honored that I was asked to specially create the painting for the cover of this lovely book.
Haiku to Nurse By celebrates the charms and challenges of new motherhood with grace and humor. The poems link together moments in the lives of a mother and her two young children. Readers will laugh out loud, cringe in empathy, and perhaps even shed a tear or two. Expectant mothers, new mothers, and their friends and families will recognize many of the timeless stories told and are sure to feel the ever-present magic—unconditional love.
I haven’t made it through the whole book yet, but my first thoughts are that you will find joy, memories, giggles and serenity within the pages – a non-wordy collection of stories and sentiments about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and mothering. Like a friendly smile from a fellow mother on every page. Get your copy here.
My 12-year-old son even laughed out loud at one of Melanie’s first poems in the book! Here is the one that caught his eye:
Nine fourteen and a
half at birth after he peed.
Truth is he weighed ten.
I just finished this sweet custom painting for Christine, it is titled The Love In Our Hearts ~ the little boys are both THE love AND benefactors of the love
I’ve also just about finished this custom original painting for a mama and her little sweeties ~ it is called My Loves and my client asked for her own custom painting to be inspired by a previous painting I created called Soul Peace.
I love when people connect with certain pieces and it’s fun to recreate them with different elements and special extras. Here’s information for custom original paintings created especially for you and your family.
I wish you tons of joy. And I hope you have an amazing weekend. My oldest son turns 14 this weekend ~ blows my mind. I remember very well the day he turned 1. Save 14% in my online shop through Sunday, use coupon code: LOVEMYBOY.
Love & Sincerely, Katie