The Mindful Mothering Project by Katie m. Berggren

Get a Free 12x12 inch Print
of a Gentle, Mindful Mothering Painting…
Inspired By You!

I do not usually create my paintings to match photos. I paint from sketches in my journal that have sprung from my heart. When I do have photos for inspiration (for custom commissioned paintings) I look at the photos for a bit, set them aside, and see what blossoms. I have no intentions or desires for photo-likeness, just for a heart-felt representation of closeness and affection.


However, now you can submit your photo of gentle, mindful mothering and it may be chosen to inspire a KmBerggren painting. See samples below.

*this is an ongoing project, there is no deadline!




If You’d Like to Submit A Photo, Do This:

1) Email your photo to

2) By submitting, you allow me to be inspired by your image, and you agree that the design and copyright of the painting in its process and finished forms remains with the artist. But you can certainly brag to your friends by sending them over to the Facebook Page to watch the process & feel free to "share" the postings onto your FB pages, as well!

3) By submitting, you agree that if your photo is chosen, it, along with your first name, will be shared on Facebook, Instagram, and my blog.

4) When the painting is complete, it will be released to the public and you will receive a free 12x12 inch print of the painting inspired by your photo.

However, should you decide the original painting is for you, please let me know as soon as possible during the process or at completion (paintings are sold on a First Come First Served basis), and you will have the option to get a 10% savings on the original painting, instead of a free print.

Contact me if you are interested or have any questions, but this is important: if I do not respond to your email, that means I did NOT receive your note of interest. Please send again.


I promise to tell you if your photo is chosen ~ I will never use your photo then pretend I didn't. If you see a painting emerging that is similar to your photo, it might just be a coincidence ~ if I choose your photo, I will tell you and give you the free print at the end.



Mindful Mothering Project
Paintings Created So Far:


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #1 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of Simple Gifts  (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #2 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)
Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration

Mindful Mothering Project Painting #3 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #4 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of Today's The Day (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #5 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #6 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of Finding Time (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #7 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #8 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #9 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of My World Glows, Because Of You (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #10 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #11 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #12 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #13 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of Oneness (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren, paintings inspired by photos of your family, family personalized paintings, inspiration for paintings, submit photo for painting inspiration
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #14 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of Equal Adoration (the original painting has sold)


The Mindful Mothering Project, Painting #15, Soul Dance by Katie m. Berggren
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #15 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting #16 by Katie m. Berggren
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #16 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase a print of Soul Peace (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project painting #17 by Katie m. Berggren,
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #17 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email to request a print (the original painting has sold)


Deepest Devotion - 18th Mindful Mothering Painting by Katie m. Berggren
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #18 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase prints of Deepest Devotion (the original painting has sold)
Mindful Mothering Project painting by Katie m. Berggren - Love Begins Here
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #19 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase prints of Love Begins Here (the original painting has sold)


From Mother To Mother, 20th painting in the Mindful Mothering Project by Katie m. Berggren
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #20 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase prints of From Mother To Mother (the original painting has sold)
Mindful Mothering Project Painting #21 by Katie m. Berggren.
Email (the original painting has sold)


Mindful Mothering Project Painting #22 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase prints of A Still Moment (the original painting has sold)

Mindful Mothering Project Painting #23 by Katie m. Berggren.
Purchase prints of Wonder-Filled (the original painting has sold)

Mindful Mothering Project Painting #24 by Katie m. Berggren.
Contact Katie for prints of Drawn To Mama (the original painting has sold)

Mindful Mothering Project Painting #25 by Katie m. Berggren.
purchase a print of Sacred Space (the original painting has sold)

Mindful Mothering Project Painting #26 by Katie m. Berggren.
Contact Katie for prints (the original painting has sold)


kmberggren mother child artwork
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