A Silent Story ~ Audio Visual Book Sample

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artwork graphic novel about hope and heartache, art book without words, artwork for loss, grief art, art therapy, friendship loss, friendship death, ghosted by best friend, dumped by friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother hunger, feeling alone, sadness, heartache, broken heart artwork



Visit The Book Page to Choose Your Silent Story Bundle


♥ SHARED EXPERIENCE, $50 (a $56 value)


  • an autographed gorgeous-quality hard copy book of A Silent Story ($44 value)

  • the downloadable audio/visual guided book video ($12 value), emailed link

►Find and validate YOUR journey within the pages of A Silent Story. Use YOUR words to design the meaning behind the artwork.

►THEN… take a shared adventure, with your book in hand, along with the artist, to discover the original intentions behind the artwork, the colors, the shapes and characters. We will turn the pages together, and the conversational artist commentary can deepen your Silent Story experience.




  • an autographed gorgeous-quality hard copy book of A Silent Story ONLY

►Find and validate YOUR journey within the pages of A Silent Story. Follow along with The Seeker and use YOUR words to design the meaning behind the artwork. This book is wordless because each experience is unique and worthy.




  • the downloadable audio/visual guided book video ONLY, emailed link

►Enjoy a guided visual and audio journey with the artist to discover the original intentions behind the artwork, the colors, the shapes and characters. You’ll see the book artwork on the screen and hear the intended messages as the artist


 GIFT-FULL EXPERIENCE, $63 (a $75 value) ~ while supplies last


  • an autographed gorgeous-quality hard copy book of A Silent Story ONLY
  • a set of 6 heartfelt greeting cards in box with envelopes ($16 value)
  • a limited edition collectible enamel pin of The Seeker & New Friend ($15 value)

►Find and validate YOUR journey within the pages of A Silent Story.

►Have beautiful and meaningful gifts to keep or share, mementos of your journey with The Seeker.




"You don't read this book, you experience it fully.
I cannot count the number of times I have wept over the beautiful paintings portraying The Seeker's journey through heartbreak and hope. Through intense and deeply intentional artistry, Katie's Seeker carries us through too-familiar and vulnerable territory to a place where our hearts can begin to rejoice again. A Silent Story is heart wrenching, healing, and hugely purposeful in a world where so many of us wear the scars of a broken relationship and need this validation that we are not alone. Thank you so much Katie for what you have done here, your paintings strum the heartstrings and give new life to The Seeker in all of us. The book is truly gorgeous, the quality is absolutely lovely and it is the perfect size to revel in the artwork." ~ Dana Pecoraro




Learn more about A Silent Story


 ghosted by a friend, sadness after breakup art therapy paintings

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