custom original painting for family, personalized family painting, gift for fathers day, one-of-a-kind gift for mom, bespoke family paintings, kmberggren kimberggren kim berggren km berggren katie berggren art

You Must Really Matter 💜 New Customs


Imagine the joy of looking up to a huge painting in your hallway and seeing YOURSELF represented there! Oh, the honor! You must REALLY matter!


My collectors hung their painting a few days ago and texted to tell me that the ‘kids feel so special!’ The baby points to the painting and says “mama”. ♥ Watch a video of the creation of this painting.


Just look at this precious face! (I can practically hear her saying "that's me, that's mama and that's YOU, dada!" can't you?)

custom original painting for family, personalized family painting, gift for fathers day, one-of-a-kind gift for mom, bespoke family paintings, kmberggren kimberggren kim berggren km berggren katie berggren art

custom original painting for family, personalized family painting, gift for fathers day, one-of-a-kind gift for mom, bespoke family paintings, kmberggren kimberggren kim berggren km berggren katie berggren art

One night during the final days of creating this painting, I had a dream that I was hanging out with the kids, as they showed me around their big house ♥ I woke with such a sweetness in my heart for these darlings, and took that love to the canvas as I finished the surfaces of the faces. 


I've dreamt about my collectors and their families many times over the years. I have such a fondness in my heart for the people that have made my career possible.


This and another large commissioned painting have recently been dispatched from my studio and now grace the homes of two beautiful families.


Needless to say, the studio feels a little empty. (some smaller customs are in process!)


custom original painting for family, personalized family painting, gift for fathers day, one-of-a-kind gift for mom, bespoke family paintings, kmberggren kimberggren kim berggren km berggren katie berggren art


But empty spaces can be beautiful.


When I was little, I used to lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling, appreciating the simplicity of the clean space, imagining that it was a floor. A smooth white floor with no stuff piled on it; just clean edges, smooth lines, empty corners. Only those lights to hop over!


I guess minimalism was embryonic in me then. To this day I delight in seeing exposed baseboards and uncovered floorboards beneath windowsills, and sections of walls with not even an outlet. 


Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to do some decluttering, but can’t pick a place in my home to start. 


I think I instead need to clear the clutter of the MIND, the clutter we carry everywhere we go. But don't we all?


The annoyances, the expectations, the roles we play. The requirements we place on ourselves, the assumptions. (I just finished reading this book, and it helped me to see the roles that we all play)



So, to our thinking spots we go, and then off to do what we were made to do.


I was meant to paint and touch the hearts of women and families with the colors, emotions and movements of my brushes. 


What were you meant to do?



This is one of my favorite new paintings in the Tender Light Collection - go read about her!


mother and child art gifts, gifts for mothers day, mom and daughter print, mom and son artwork, gift for new mom, gift for new dad, points for purchasing artwork, kmberggren, kimberggren, katie berggren, km berggren


This is the last chance to join The Hope Effect's Circle of Hope monthly giving and be automatically entered into a raffle to WIN my original painting DEEP HOPE (a $429 value), below. She will be shipped for free to one person who signs up for the Circle Of Hope for monthly giving, during the month of May, with ANY donation amount, using my special (no affiliate fees) link.


mother and child art gifts, gifts for mothers day, mom and daughter print, mom and son artwork, gift for new mom, gift for new dad, points for purchasing artwork, kmberggren, kimberggren, katie berggren, km berggren


Wishing you a lovely end to your week.

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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