You Aren’t Stumbling Alone
katie berggrenI switched the shipping labels on two of my packages recently and the prints went to the wrong collectors. I was able to fix it as soon as I realized, by Priority Shipping out new prints, but man I felt bad. I’ve only done this twice now in 15 years.
We are all grinding and we need a break. Personally, I finished a LARGE project that I put HOURS into. Plus, back to virtual school for all the kiddos, AND my husband and I reinvigorated my studio with some new furniture (think hauling and building heavy desks) this week.
The end result of the studio is divine and I haven’t sat down in my studio since last Saturday. I LOVE to stand and work at my desk. I already stand to paint, which is good because another blunder-fact for me is that I have been eating WAY too much chocolate. Stress makes me want chocolate, it’s just a fact.
What is your stress snack?
So, this note is to say you aren’t alone if you are also stumbling right now.
And I’m SO grateful for my collectors and those who communicate with me online and through email – my people. Thank you.
At the end of the day we kiss our babies, rub the heads of our furry babes and put ourselves to bed at a decent time (hopefully). The world keeps on turning, even though things get dark.
I hope you are doing well. Go easy on yourself.
Love & Sincerely, Katie