Wild Tenderness ~ Available Originals ~ New Gift
katie berggrenThe Wild Tenderness Collection release on Sunday was a success!
Thank you so much if you came to say hi and enter the raffle!
~5 of the 8 paintings found new homes and shipped off the next day ~ and 3 of my FAVORITES are waiting for you in my Shop. You'll also find prints of Great Love For Small Things, here.
~I gave $246 (the first painting sold) to the Feeding America Covid Response Fund
~Paty won the raffle prize of 2 of my illustrated books Carry You With Me and The Healing You Can Do.
It was a fun & intense evening that left me wired until 6am the next morning… it’s hard to sleep when the creative juices are flowing!!
I absolutely LOVE seeing all of the Wild Tenderness Collection Paintings together – 8 released in January and 8 released in July.
Go see them and read the story for each painting, in my shop. You can also choose print collections of 8 of the 16.
Lookee here:

THANK YOU to those who have patronized my little online shop, you are supporting MY little family, and I’m so grateful.
This is the SIXTEENTH week of my Free Weekly Gifts!! This week’s gift is an archival and signed 8×8 inch print of A Thousand Thank Yous (a $22 value) ~ these gifts have been a big hit ~ don’t forget to put KMBWEEKLY in the promo code box at checkout, so that you get yours with orders of $39+.
This is something I can give in a time when free gifts bring sunshine

Please keep doing what you are doing, giving what you are giving, loving how you are loving.
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week’s end.
Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.
Love & Sincerely, Katie