butterfly baby in tummy, pregnant mother angel baby, baby loss painting,

What's Most Important? ♥ Empathy ♥ New WIP


Happy December!
It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day WAVES of things to do, isn’t it?


Especially this time of year. We can get carried away in the tide of to-dos and all the sudden realize that we haven’t been present in our own minds & moments for… how long? An hour or more? Gosh, maybe even a day. I believe this is why the days “fly by” as we like to say. And then the weeks fly by, and the years…

Personally, when I’m on the treadmill-slash-roller coaster of one-thing-after-another I try to stop and think: WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW?


Sometimes I’m diddling around with things in the studio that are important but not AS important as PAINTING. Sometimes I am wiping and re-wiping crumbs in the kitchen, but having a clean counter is nowhere NEAR as important as making eye contact with my son who is telling me about his Political Science essay.

STOP. RE-Focus. What is the most important thing for YOU to be doing right NOW? (Probably not reading blogs 😊 but thank you)

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in to wish you a happy new month, and to send you some vibes for a focused and productive season.

I don’t love that my emails to you often end up sale-sy, but being a small business owner who TRULY LOVES what she does… it’s so hard not to tell you about ALL the things!!


I’m working on a new painting right now that has truly captured my heart. And coincidentally, I started listening to a new podcast called UNCared For as I have been working… it is hosted by journalist SuChin Pak and discusses maternal health care around the world. The stories and facts are truly intriguing.  

butterfly baby in tummy, pregnant mother angel baby, baby loss painting,


The empathy I am feeling while listening to UNCared For is going right into this painting. I made a connection last night that painting is an important way for me to channel my empathy – because otherwise it can knock me down with its weight. 


Being able to look into little painted faces and gently paint little bellies and eyes… it nourishes my soul.


Hey, do you remember the black & white paintings that I created in order to make the prints I gave away a couple months ago? Well, I’m getting those original paintings ready to release. Let me know if there is one you’d like to call your own :)

black and white art, black white paintings, paintings of mother, mother daughter art, mother son artwork, paintings for mom, gifts for mom, black and white painting

Thank you for your time, it's very valuable, and I recognize the blessing in my precious collectors taking their time to look at my work.


Have a great week's end!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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