WellBeing Collection ♥ Bonuses & Butterflies

WellBeing Collection ♥ Bonuses & Butterflies


It's official, these vibrant and dreamy loves have burst into the world. The original paintings in the WellBeing Collection have been released. See them here.


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Each painting has her story, her meaning, and has filled my days with purpose and beauty. These butterflies float behind my eyelids, visit me in my dreams, and fill my studio.


To create the outlines of the butterflies in these paintings, I cut butterfly shapes out of heavy paper, and used them as stencils. See videos of this being done.


BONUS: Each original painting purchased from this collection will include one of these painted butterflies, a little token of the creation process.

paintings of butterflies, woman and butterfly art, paintings of women, warm art, paintings on canvas of women, orange and pink artwork on canvas, nude woman butterfly art


There is only ever ONE ORIGINAL of each KmBerggren painting, and once it has been claimed, it is gone. I can always create a custom inspired by one of these pieces, but no two paintings will ever be the same.


Interest-free payment plan options are available on each painting's shop page, let me know if you have any questions.


BONUS: each original painting purchased from this collection will include a 2024 Mother & Child Art Calendar (while supplies last, a $24 value). I will automatically add the calendar to your order.


THANK YOU for your support of this endeavor! I really enjoyed this collection and look forward to seeing where the butterflies lead me next.


Take Care, 

Love & Sincerely,



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