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Want to help me choose? 💖 2025 Calendars...

It’s that time again… calendar time. I'm working up the design and my plan for the 2025 calendars. The offering will be a little different this year, in a good way.


But first, would you like to help me choose the cover?


Soon, you will get the first chance to pre-order your calendar. They sell out every year, and this year they will be limited and numbered, but I'll be sure to let you know as soon as I have them ready.

mom and baby art calendar, painting calendar, art calendar, keepsake collectible calendar, kmberggren art, km berggren art calendar, planner for moms, gift for moms, new baby calendar, frameable calendar art


Go vote, here!

I'm keeping a tally, but will be making the final decision VERY soon.


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mom and baby art calendar, painting calendar, art calendar, keepsake collectible calendar, kmberggren art, km berggren art calendar, planner for moms, gift for moms, new baby calendar, frameable calendar art


Wishing you a beautiful day ♥

Love & Sincerely,


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