Vision Boards ~ an expanding experience

katie berggren

Recently, I visited with my friend Tia Ribary of Ribary & Associates and we talked a bit about her Vision Board, hanging in her office ~ I have always wanted to create one, but for some reason hadn’t.

Talking with Tia lit a fire beneath me. Vision Boards are talked about in The Secret , as well as the SmARTist Telesummit 2008, and a myriad of other places including the Women Entrepreneurs Organization that I belong to in Vancouver, Washington.

Vision Boards
Basically, a Vision Board (or Treasure Map) is a collage that contains images and words of what you want to be/do/have/experience in your life – your visions, your goals.

Kathie Nelson of Connectworks describes it this way: “When you’re caught up in the day-to-day of running your business and your life, it can be easy to lose sight of why you’re doing all of this and what you are trying to create. Treasure Mapping is a proven visioning process that harnesses the power of both sides of your brain to create your own “treasure map” to serve as a guide and reminder of what it is you really want to manifest in the coming year.”

Kathie is offering a workshop in Portland, Oregon area in February (see the details and/or sign up on Kathie’s website) where you can get together with a variety of other individuals for a map building/consulting session. This event comes highly recommended.

Vision Boards

On Monday, while my big boy was in school, my little boy and I decided to start creating – he creating collages, me working on a Vision Board ~ information that I have read has suggested you create your board in one sitting, vs spreading the process out over days.

We worked happily for two hours, munching apples and chatting and it was such a soul-expanding experience for me! It felt right every step of the way and the images (but mostly words) that I pulled from my art and Real Simple magazines were amazingly insightful.

I now have a beautiful board to hang in my studio – where I can look at it each day ~ information that I have read and heard has suggested you spend around 30 minutes a day with your board.

“Energy Flows Where Attention Goes” right?!

In the above photos, my Vision Board is in the upper left, the creative mess takes over the rest of the space

“Creative vision is more than an interest in material things it is a commitment to a better future. Nothing will happen in your life that you do not inspire by your own initiative. Creative vision is the power which inspires that personal initiative.”
– Napoleon Hill

Have a wonderful and inspiring day!

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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