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You are the utmost; I want to improve ♥


Ease & Flow is the newest piece for The Graceful Nature Collection. And she is a textured, whimsical celebration of love, infused with hidden colors ♥

The release date for these paintings will be announced soon, and I'm working on the final few paintings. Let me know if you'd like to be personally notified when a certain piece is available.

paintings of women, art of business, business of art, inspirational paintings for women, mother and child paintings, butterfly paintings, inner child paintings, mother kissing child artwork, mom and baby art print

Ease & Flow

I hope you see your light; it bounces off my eyes and back to you. 

You are the most… The greatest creation to come from me. And I want to be better.


Ask me a question, let me practice that delicious delay – spin the ring – before I answer. So you know that I am listening, that your words matter, and I can hear them. That I’m not just waiting to hear my own. This requires breaking cycles, filtering out contaminates deposited from the gene pool.


Otherwise, like running down a hill, weight heavy on feet, we go go go. Talk talk talk. Slow down, you are losing control, losing awareness of what you are taking from this time together, just to feel heard, but at what cost?


Stand behind your words and let them out like rope, watching all the time, listening, taking care to ease and flow. Back and forth doesn’t mean always having a side with something to share. 


Bask in the quiet, let the words hang.


I see me in your eyes. I hope you see, not a face of disregard, but a heart determining which traits in my personality I detest the most. I ache to not spread them, to not pull habits from past generations which could poison this opportunity, this life, this direction. This relationship. 


You are the utmost; I want to improve.


paintings of women, art of business, business of art, inspirational paintings for women, mother and child paintings, butterfly paintings, inner child paintings, mother kissing child artwork, mom and baby art print


Wishing you a peaceful and inspirational end to your week. Let me know if there is anything I can create for you.


Love & Sincerely, 



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