Tremendous Mini Painting… New Book Cover… Spring & Thank You
katie berggrenMany of my collectors STARTED their KmBerggren original painting collections with a 4×4” mini painting (or 2) and have grown their collections since (a few collectors have close to 30 original paintings!)… There is NOTHING like the original paint on canvas… loved-on by the artist’s hands and able to be held in YOUR hands.
“Tremendous” is a brand new chunky mini 4×4” painting, this week’s mini original painting. Sometimes the littlest ones take the most time they are a little couplet, on a mini painting, but their intentions are Tremendous!
This mini original ready-to-ship painting is currently AVAILABLE (for $55)! You can make her yours, right here.
Awesome news! Everyday MOMents, the brand new book by author Jessica Poe (with a cover painted by yours truly!) is NOW AVAILBLE!
A note from the author: A mother’s role is sacred; a duty of divine design. By identifying divinity in the details, I not only feel inspired, but rejuvenated and refocused too – especially when I’m in the rush of a blurry hectic life. That’s why I call myself a mother, believer and collector of details … we can all benefit from a moment to refocus and rejuvenate, right?
Get YOUR copy of Everyday MOMents, right here.
Spring is coming in the Pacific Northwest…
I adore change ~ I adore spring because it invites new life, new optimism, new ideas and freshness. And cleaning. Not to mention that amazing scent of blossoming trees on my morning walks, aaaah!!
I hope I always find things to change in my life: opportunities to tighten up certain aspects so that other aspects can flow free. I want to bake with my boys and not look at the clock; to open my email and find messages representing abundance, kindness, and possibility… I want to look around my house and have my eyes only land on things that belong and nothing that annoys me. I guess we all go through stages like this… everything has been done before, right?
How does Spring make YOU feel!?
I love & appreciate my many loving, kind, honest, loyal collectors so SO much! I feel so blessed. This is ME (above), sending a kiss to YOU. You know who you are… thank you!
Have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.
Love & Sincerely, Katie