To Love What You Do… when the universe speaks

To Love What You Do and Feel That It Matters - How Could Anything Be More Fun ~ Katharine Graham

A new friend sent this card to me ~ 8 1/2 years ago, before I had even told a soul that I was pregnant with my first son. I loved it and placed it by my computer ~ able to tell her  a little while later about my secret   and wonder how she intuitively *knew*.
She told me that she hadn’t even realized there was a baby in the image ~ she had just liked the quote and the peppy business woman (which I was)

Amazing, eh?
I like to think something spoke to her when she chose that card for me.

I have come to look up to this inspiring woman as a mentor. (thank you RN!) and this card has remained attached to the mirror in my closet ever since ~ I see it everyday and feel thankful that I can do what I love to do.


Shortly before my son was 1 year old, I attended a little gift show for a few hours (between nursing sessions!) and was drawn to pick up a blessing ring from one of the booths (it was a giveaway).
It was a Baby Blessing Ring just like this:

I just liked it for some reason, and I had a baby at home

Well, the universe was speaking to me again, because a week later I discovered I was expecting our second son

 I try to listen even more carefully now.


in the above image: the little mushroom bird from my dear Grandma, sits in a nest she made ~ a gift given years go ~ that graces my desk in the studio, and nearly always has.


Happy Holidays!

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