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The Rainbow Hope Collection ♥


We need hope right now. We crave color and brightness, joy, optimism, beauty. And little birds, of course! The whimsical birds always bring me such a comfortable feeling of friendship.

I’ve begun the Rainbow Hope Collection – first spurred by inspiration from a fellow artist Nina Clausonet. Nina's beautiful reds and magentas launched me into the first 2 pieces… and the rainbow just naturally followed!


Quick Note: 2025 Art Calendars are now 25% claimed, and it’s only the 3rd of October. They’ll ship within 2 weeks.


rainbow artwork, artwork for mother, woman and bird paintings, paintings of birds, paintings of women, warm art, cheerful hopeful artwork, gift for new mom, gift for expectant mom

I can't wait to show you the rest of the collection! It's easiest to follow along on Instagram stories. I'll reveal all of their names next week.


Which painting is YOUR favorite? These originals are 6x6 inches on heavy paper, and available for $76 each with free USA shipping (int’l shipping quotes available). Email me back with your choice(s), and I will let you know of availability.


Don't forget to get your calendar, and see more images


Wishing you a beautiful day ♥

Love & Sincerely,



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