the Mindful Mothering Project ~ I’ve chosen another photo!

I’ve chosen my THIRD photo for the Mindful Mothering Project ~ and I look forward to sharing progress with you, as I create an intimate motherhood painting on canvas, inspired by this lovely photo submitted by Sarah.

photo submitted by Sarah for the Mindful Mothering Project

photo submitted by Sarah for the Mindful Mothering Project

You can follow along with the process of this piece over on the Facebook Fan Page ~ and when the piece is complete, Sarag will receive a free 12×12 print of the painting.

Here is the first progress shot:

painting in progress by Katie m. Berggren

painting in progress by Katie m. Berggren

You can follow along with the process of this piece over on the Facebook Fan Page!

If you’d like to get in on the fun, it is never too late to submit your photo and get into the Inspiration Folder! Here are the details:


Gentle, Mindful Mothering Paintings… inspired by You!

In general, I find myself inundated with natural instances of inspiration, and more than anything I’m aching for time to get them all down on paper or canvas before they flit away…

If you hang out with me in person, you know my journal is always in hand, and I annoy myself, even, with my need to capture sketches, thoughts and words on so many occasions.

However… I’ve got an itch, an idea, an inspiration and I’d like to involve you ~ my community of intriguing, wise mothers and women, fathers and friends, followers and motivators.

Drawn In? Wanna Get Caught Up?

Submit your Photo(s) of Gentle, Mindful Mothering ~ however you describe it, however you find meaning in the words Gentle and Mindful ~ however you make it your own.

For you, is it: breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, kissing, walking together, talking together, reading together, laughing together, cooking together, crying together, playing together…?

Share your moments, if you feel the urge, and swirl your beauty into the fertile soil from which the Intimate Moments of Motherhood paintings sprout.

The Inside Scoop! [In actuality, when I do have photos to become inspired by (for commissioned paintings, for instance, and for this project) I take a look at the photos for the first 10 or 15 minutes, then set them aside and see what blossoms onto the canvas! I have no intentions or desires for photo-likeness, just a heart-felt representation of emotion and closeness.]

If you’d like to get involved, here is what to do:

1) Save your favorite photo(s) with YOUR name as the title of the image (this is important so I can keep track of who sent what).

2) Email your photo to

3) Add the understanding that by sending me a photo or photos, you agree to let me be inspired by your image, and you agree that the design and copyright of the painting in its process and finished forms remains with the artist (that’s me!). But you can certainly brag to your friends by sending them over to the Facebook Fan Page to watch the process & feel free to “share” the postings on FB as well!

4) Agree that if your photo is chosen, you will be honored as I delight in sharing your lovely photo (and your first name) with my Facebook and Painting Motherhood blog Communities, as well as revealing process images as your photo inspires a painted canvas…

This is important: I do not strive for photo likeness in my paintings ~ more importantly, I capture the essence, the emotion, the movement, the connection, the contact, the energy…

This is ALSO important: I promise promise promise to tell you if I choose your photo ~ I will never use your photo then pretend I didn’t. There would be no use in it If you see a painting emerging that is similar to your photo, it might just be a coincidence ~ I promise to tell you and give you the free print at the end ~ don’t worry!

What’s In It For You?

If your Gentle, Mindful Mothering Photo does indeed inspire a painting for the Mindful Mothering Project ~ wooohooo! ~ YOU get a free 12×12 print of the finished painting ~ RAD!

Have questions? I’m here, just let me know.

Thank you for your consideration,

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Katie m. Berggren Painting Intimate Moments of Motherhood

Related Images:

[See image gallery at]
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