The Healing You Can Do ~ My 9 Books!

katie berggren

Thanks for following along with the snaps of my new book project on Instagram and Facebook #thehealingyoucandoproject ~ this has been a labor of love, with lots of love and emotion and focus. It will all pay off when this book reaches the hands of people who desperately need it! I believe it is going to change perspectives.

The author, Meghan Hindi (The Birth Warrior, @birthwarriordoula), describes our upcoming book like this:

“A love letter of empathy, encouragement and affirmation for anyone who has experienced trauma of any kind. It is a promise that you can survive after physical and sexual abuse, and make the world a better place because of it…”

Meghan is a home/natural birth advocate who lives to empower women in every facet of their lives. Here are some sneak peeks if you haven’t seen them online yet:

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

The Healing You Can Do, in process, art by Katie m. Berggren

Messy workspace The one place in my house allowed to get disastrously messy (at least for a bit)

I look forward to showing you more as the time is right! Mostly on Instagram and Facebook.


My 9 Illustrated Books


The Healing You Can Do will be my 5th illustrated book collaboration.

I’ve also got 4 additional books that were written and/or illustrated by just me:

~ Color Your Love coloring book, 22 gentle moments of motherhood, each paired with an inspirational and loving message,

~ a 6×9″ Keepesake Motherhood Journal,

~ A Dance of Intention & Creation, the 85 8x8s Collection which compiles 85 paintings with their messages and meanings, and

~ a 5×8″ Captured Moments Motherhood Journal

6x9 Motherhood Journal from Katie m. Berggren

6×9 Motherhood Journal from Katie m. Berggren

Katie m. Berggren 8x8 Painting Collection book

Katie m. Berggren 8×8 Painting Collection book

Motherhood Journal from Katie m. Berggren

Motherhood Journal from Katie m. Berggren

The first illustrated collaboration was Mama’s Milkies, a beautiful story of a full term breastfeeding child. Follow the little toddler through the day as they wake and play, read, sing and finally drift off to sleep. All the while knowing that mommy still has “milkies” when they feel like nursing. This book is non-gender specific to touch the hearts of many.

Mama's Milkies by Stephanie Craft & Katie m. Berggren

Mama’s Milkies by Stephanie Craft & Katie m. Berggren

My second illustrated book was a private book for a client and his family, the third is in the writing stage (artwork complete) with a prominent and lovely author from Indonesia… and my most recent book was released a year ago:


Carry You With Me is a heartfelt story written from a mother’s perspective of love, loss, healing and hope. We remember together the great loves we have lost and cherish all the ways we carry them with us forever. 

Carry You With Me by Alanna Knobben and Katie m. Berggren Carry You With Me by Alanna Knobben and Katie m. Berggren


I currently have about 10 double-autographed Carry You With Me books in my studio – you can get books from my studio here.

Carry You With Me by Alanna Knobben and Katie m. Berggren

Carry You With Me by Alanna Knobben and Katie m. Berggren

Live in Canada? Get your book here to get better shipping rates.

Thank you SO much for your support along these journeys – I LOVE seeing your feedback (and tagged photos!!), feeling your love and sending books out to you – THANK YOU!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at]

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