Take A Moment: Love The Growing Child ~ round pendants, calendars and a new mini, too

katie berggren

Hello! It’s Thursday, thus, new painting day!

But first, this quote REALLY gets me thinking and puts me back on track to being an attentive mama: “The real achievement of Motherly Love lies not in the mother’s love for the small infant, but in her love for the growing child.” ~ Erich Fromm (love him)


New round glass art pendants! WOOWEEE! They are finally here! Thank you to EVERYONE who helped me make decisions on Facebook, these lovely 1.5″ round glass beauties are finally ready ~ See the choices here. (some will go fast)
1.5" glass round art pendants from Katie m. Berggren

Also, if you haven’t heard, I’m giving away 5 FREE round glass pendants this week (a $28 value each), one each weekday. Julie won on Monday, Connie won on Tuesday and Courtney won on Wednesday! Enter here to be in the running for tonite’s or Friday’s pendant.


2015 Calendars are still in stock ~ keep on track in 2015, then have 12 lovely frameable motherhood images to keep or share. Get yours while supplies last.

2015 Mother & Child Calendars from Katie m. Berggren


And finally! Here is today’s new mini painting. Her name is Wrapped In A Story. While working on this piece I was reminded of (and how much I loved) a Chinese painting workshop I took while in college. Her techniques and colors inspire me! Wrapped In A Story is an original painting on a chunky 8×8″ canvas, she will sell for $150. Make her yours, right here.

Wrapped In A Story by Katie m. Berggren

Have a great day,
Love & Sincerely, Katie


Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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