Take A Moment: Home OR Work & New Mini Original Painting
katie berggrenHowdy!
Here’s something I’ve finally figured out (it took years):
When I think about what needs to be vacuumed, cleaned, folded, sorted and put away around the HOME ~ I feel fine and get ready to dig in…
When I think about what needs to be packaged, uploaded, designed, painted, photographed or created in the STUDIO/OFFICE – I smile and start making a list…
HOWEVER! When I think about all that needs to be done around the HOME… AND all that needs to be done in the STUDIO (at the same time)… my body floods with overwhelm… I begin bouncing from one area of my life to the other, fragmented, multi-tasking, never quite accomplishing much.
If we can channel our energy to ONE area of life at a time ~ Home OR Work ~ then we can get a whole lot more accomplished. It’s about the OR… choosing one aspect of our lives at a time and launching ahead with what needs to be done.
What do YOU think? Do you find this is true for YOU? Or do you flourish doing everything at once?
Here is today’s new mini painting. Not Forgotten ~ The never-to-be-forgotten angel child watching over (forever a part of) the mother and earth side child. Not Forgotten is an original painting on a chunky 8×10″ canvas, she will arrive ready-to-hang with a stack of 5×7″ frameable art cards, for $190. Make her yours, right here. The mama in this painting is wearing a round pendant… so the mama who decides to own this original painting chooses a FREE round glass art pendant (from the shop, $28 value) to go with it.
New round glass art pendants! WOOWEEE! They are finally here! Thank you to EVERYONE who helped me make decisions on Facebook, these lovely 1.5″ round glass beauties are finally ready ~ See the choices here. (some will go fast)
2015 Calendars are still in stock ~ keep on track in 2015, then have 12 lovely frameable motherhood images to keep or share. Get yours while supplies last.
Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day! Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.
Love & Sincerely, Katie