It’s simple, we can only do ONE thing (well) at a time. Our hands can perform one task, and our brains should stay focused on this task. We accomplish so much more that way, isn’t it true?
Why do some of us bounce, often not fully completing the original task/idea until hours later. Sometimes days 😉 Is it because we are parents? Is it because we are creative? Is it because we are human, and all carry a seed of this annoyance? I imagine it as a spectrum, all falling onto it somewhere.
I started a new painting yesterday after wanting to CRY from the frustration of either working too much on a piece, or not focusing long enough to even use the paint I’d squeezed onto my palette.
I range between not focusing to get something done… and standing too long at the easel, TOO embedded, until I step back and realize the painting is OVERDONE.
I LOVE painting, so deeply, that I work and fuss until I must back-pedal after going too far. Usually it works out, but oh the freshness that can be lost!
Flopping around… OR locked in place for too long. Good grief.
In yesterday’s journaling, I formed a plan to start a new piece and commit to focusing but also stepping away after a session. Understanding when to walk away and let the paint dry.
It feels like a good way to handle many projects: focus… but then step back and check. How are YOU feeling? How is the work/project/paper/meal coming along? How are the kids?
Above is the piece I started yesterday. She, again, is a seed planted from Cling, 16 years old now. Another little sister. The piece from last week is far from complete, but this tall narrow canvas was calling to me. So… I bounced from the big canvas to the little one.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The Christmas rush for my studio is done. I hope it is for you, too. I envision us all taking some time for much needed REST. For reading, baking, chatting and walking. Letting our souls unfurl a bit, before we take on more in the new year.
Happy Holidays. I’ll be painting and reading and sending you love and moments of comfort ♥ and so much gratitude for your connection in 2024.
Wishing you a beautiful week's end and a lovely holiday next week ♥
Love & Sincerely,