Spirit Soul & Sweetness ~ Today’s New Painting ~ Event Tonite!
katie berggrenAll of my life, I have been writing, and collecting my writings, poems, stories and blurbs, painting titles, phrases and tag lines. I have been wanting, for a couple years now, to find a way to incorporate the words into the paintings ~ to give a glimmer of my thoughts behind the work ~ a glimmer brighter than the title can provide ~ and to be present when the painting’s statement was not around.
With Spirit, Soul & Sweetness, I really felt a need to include words.
I was able to clip paper directly from my journal, write in my own handwriting with my trusty drawing pen ~ and adhere the text, scumbling paint around and layering transparent tones over the paper ~ welcoming that little slip of paper right into the world of the image, making it feel necessary, making it appear natural.
I have done this just once now, but I can already tell that a new door has opened to me, and conquering this fear will lead to additional fears to be conquered. How fun.

artful bliss: an evening of intimacy, stories & art
Thursday, August 11, from 5-9pm
Bring the children from 5-7 and let them create their own works of art; and/or come from 7-9 for live music. Enjoy Original Motherhood Paintings, Hors d’oeuvres, healthy chocolate samples & book signings throughout the 5-9pm event.
•intimate motherhood paintings & inspiration books, presented by Katie m. Berggren www.kmberggren.com
•activity books & art by Kirsten Klug, to encourage play, open communication & build confidence
www.healthyfunchoices.com•story-infused mixed media art by Liz Ness
also: Inspiring Live music by singer/songwriter Mila Polevia
5516 SE Foster, Portland OR 97206
Questions? 360.213.7879