Speaking at WEO tonite… and painting!

katie berggren

Tonight, I’m honored to get to give a Spotlight Presentation at WEO ~ the Women Entrepreneurs Organization of Washington. I’ve been with this group nearing 9 years, and this will be my third Spotlight Speech ~ I’m looking forward to it!

This time (as last time) I am going to attempt to paint whilst I speak. This will be interesting ~ to see how much progress can be made on canvas in just seven short minutes. But I’ll be warmed up and nervously energetic, so it should be fun and fast.

This is the sketch I am going to start with:

the sketch to start tonite's spontaneous painting on stage ~ at the Women Entrepreneurs Meeting in Vancouver, Washington.


 I have approached this similar composition a couple times over the years ~ but it remains my favorite ~ and I like to see how creative I can get with each new try.

I have lots of free goodies for the ladies and a raffle, as well. I’m looking forward to sharing with them my new books and some new paintings.

Check out the Women Entrepreneurs Organization of Washington here.

Have a wonderful day!

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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