Solace & Support ♥ A Token Of Love

Solace & Support ♥ A Token Of Love


Would you like to offer solace and support to a special mother (perhaps even yourself ♥) as we enter a month dedicated to honoring pregnancy, infant and child loss? 

In honor of cherished mothers and beloved souls departed too early, I've assembled a heartfelt keepsake set for October, which marks National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. A percentage of each set benefits Baby Steps Foundation.


Choose a thoughtful gift set for $22 that includes:

♥a delicate 5x5 inch angel print of your choice (the perfect size to hold or display) 
♥a 3-inch art sticker 
♥a sweet angel baby greeting card 

The set is a $26.75 value, so you are saving $4.75



( Bonus: extra motherhood art sticker 
automatically added to orders placed Monday and Tuesday

I will hand-write your short personal message, if desired, into the angel greeting card, allowing your personal sentiments their special place within this gift. I am more than willing to send this gift directly to your recipient. Please include address and notes at checkout.



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Your token of love will be carefully wrapped and sealed with a small sticker, a ray of light for a heart that has endured immeasurable pain ♥ 

With this gesture, you send not just a gift, but a piece of your heart, a notion of solace, and a reminder that love transcends time and space. While benefitting other families in their time of pain.



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A % Of Each Gift Set Benefits Families Dealing With Loss

♥Throughout the month of October 2023, 10% of the purchase price when you gift this keepsake set will be donated to Baby Steps Foundation. Baby Steps was created by moms affected or touched by loss. Their mission is to offer support to women and families while honoring their babies, as well as give back to the stillbirth and loss community. For those left behind, Baby Steps Foundation offers support and a safe space for grieving.



Baby Steps Foundation. Baby Steps was created by moms affected or touched by loss. Their mission is to offer support to women and families while honoring their babies, as well as give back to the stillbirth and loss community. For those left behind, Baby Steps Foundation offers support and a safe space for grieving.


Want to tuck some free goodies into your gift package before you offer it? 

Unlock these beauties! 9 pages of download-able and color-able drawings.

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Final Tidbit: 

I mentioned last week that I am reading A Guide to the Good Life by William Irvine. It's digestible, and I am enjoying it. He discusses the Trichotomy of Control which reminds us of what we should worry about.


There are three parts (obviously) to this TRIchotomy 😊 paraphrased:


►things we have complete control over – the goals we set for ourselves – we should concern ourselves with these.

►things we have no control over – like whether we will wake tomorrow morning – we shouldn’t worry about these things.

►things we have some but not complete control over – whether we will win at a game or get hired for a job – we should set internal goals such as “I will try my hardest/do my best” or “I will prepare to the best of my ability”. We can then achieve the inner goals even if we DON’T have control over the full scenario. We should concern ourselves with setting good internal goals and meeting them, but then let go.


I love the idea to write down all of our worries or sources of anxiety on slips of paper… then organize the worries into the three categories. Toss out everything in the category of what you can’t control (feels good, eh?). For each of the worries that you are in control of completely or partially, make an action note for how you can work towards a re/solution.


Let me know if you like this, too!


I hope your week goes very well,

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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