So Much The Same, with process video – Motherhood Art Calendars
katie berggrenSeeing pieces I’ve already created inspires me… packing up prints that my collectors have purchased, I see those painted faces and want to CREATE!!
My paintings are like friends. We spend time together, have our moments, then I send them out into the world. Seeing them again in print form is like saying hi to an old friend.
When I began, I was painting on wood panel. Some of my favorite early original paintings were created on panel, like Edge Of The Bed and Life Is But A Dream.
The surface of a smooth wood panel is truly dreamy. Not flexible like the skin and bone of a stretched canvas, but earthy and real. I love both surfaces and feel blessed that I have the opportunity to move between the two (and paper, too!) to keep things fresh. Right now, I’m ‘feeling’ panels.
This new painting is called So Much The Same, she is created on a smooth cradled wood panel. Cradled means that the wood panel has a lovely three-dimensional edge to it. See the photo on the listing page. She’s finished with painted edges and Color-Protecting Varnish over the whole painted surface.

So Much The Same. Their skin and coloring differ, but deep down they are the same: they are both beings desiring and deserving of touch, connection, skin to skin. They have created a special world for themselves in which to flourish. Warm and safe and loving, despite any judgement that goes on around them.
Today you can Pre-Order your 2021
KmBerggren Motherhood Art Calendars.
I have the Buy 3 Get 1 option again, too. That was a hit
last year.
I have a limited supply of Motherhood Art Calendars, they always sell out. Pre-Orders come with a free gift this year (while supplies last). See the details in the shop.
Your Pre-Order helps me pay for the publishing and printing of these calendars – being a self-represented artist, this is really important. I pay for my products myself. I really like knowing my collectors, versus referring them to a shop/gallery to buy my art. Connecting with my people is so important to me.

This year, upon request, I have added the message behind each painting, below the image page, on the “calendar” page.

THANK YOU to those who have purchased from my Online Studio Shop, you are supporting MY little family, and I’m so grateful!
Since Summer is winding down, it seems fitting that Following The Sun should be this week’s gift (an $18 value). Don’t forget to put KMBWEEKLY in the promo code box at checkout, so that you get yours with orders of $39+.

Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week’s end.
Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.
Love & Sincerely, Katie