Smelling The Flowers & Gift Certificates
Good Morning! A quick reminder that it is not too late to get Mama a Gift Certificate so she can choose her own lovely motherhood moments.
Introducing, Smelling The Flowers ~ a brand new 8×10″ original painting for the Everyday Connection Collection. May she inspire YOU to stop and smell the flowers today. The wisteria on my neighbor’s fence inspires happiness in me, every morning as my boys and I walk to school. I make frequent stops in his yard to appreciate his green thumb. (I wish I had one of those!)
I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Okay, now: Mother’s Day is coming fast. Go get Mom a Gift Certificate ~ if you choose the Email method I can email the certificate straight to you for printing and wrapping ~ or choose to have me email your gift straight to the woman you love. Give her the gift of choice.
Have a slow and eye-open sort of day ~
Love & Sincerely, Katie