journal sketches, new inspiration by Katie m. Berggren

Sketches - Feelings

Yesterday I was at an appointment with my son, and though I was not feeling particularly creative (son-hospital), the art on the wall woke something in me - reminded me of serigraphy I created in college. I had my journal so I did some sketching, and I like what came out...


To be honest, I've been floundering a bit lately... That's LIFE, I suppose, and being human... right?


So today, I'm just going to show you the sketches, and maybe they will inspire you. Perhaps you will see them become KmB art in the future?


Am I the only one who is feeling a little lost right now?
Is it a change-of-season thing?
Please know that when you are feeling bored, stumped, blah...
or like your hard work is going unnoticed...
You are NOT alone ♥♥ and you ARE noticed♥♥
journals sketches, artist ink drawings, new inspiration from Katie m. Berggren, motherhood artist



2 of the 12 recent original Circle Paintings are available, email me if one is for you.

Here they are:


original round circle paintings on paper by Katie m. Berggren, new paintings, mother child artwork in paint on paper



I also have prints of 11 of the Circle Paintings in 3 sizes.


Have a wonderful week's end,

Love & Sincerely, Katie 
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