Simple Living ~ part 1 ~ just a toe in the waters
For years and years, I have been wondering if there were others out there like me ~ others who wanted less, not more. Less items, less things, less stuff. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be nomadic, to have just what fit in your car, and nothing else. This idea has excited me for years.
But a home brings things, and a business brings things, and being an artist brings supplies and canvases in various stages of completion. And now, being a mother and wife ~ both bring their equipment as well. All have made my simplification urges harder to fulfill. But I love to nest, so twiddling away at clutter control is perfect for me.
Quite awhile ago, I began searching online for people who share this feeling ~ I had heard of packrats, shopaholics, hoarders ~ and even clean-freaks and neatniks ~ but I wasn’t getting enough personal information online about people that seem to have a strong adversity to clutter, people who, since childhood, would get the sweats and dizzy-ill spells if they spent too much time in a department store (like I did).
It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the Circle Of Simplicity and began studying Voluntary Simplicity, that everything began to make sense. I began to view myself as less and less of a weirdo and more and more as a piece to a puzzle.