silent story, breakup artwork, breakup book, emotional artwork, friendship break-up, friendship book

Silent Story ♥ Video Proof


I have a printed proof of A Silent Story!

I wonder if The Seeker looks oddly familiar to those who are following this project because the shape of you and I beneath our hair and clothes and chub, and all that we put on and say and pretend… is strong, innocent, earnest, authentic, a bit awkward, and wide-eyed. That is how I see The Seeker. 

She’s angular, but also soft. With long arms that will wrap around you if you need them, but will also wrap around herself when she’s feeling vulnerable. 

She has long legs to stand tall, but also to fold in on themselves. She has a long body that can arch in triumph, or double-over from grief. I think many of us, deep down, can relate (at least at times) to this true being.


I have the proof in my hands, and here it is for your eyes!


You can still order a copy! Thank you for your trust & support, as I've been talking about this project for over 2 years. It is almost 3 years in the making.


Let me know if you have any questions.
Love & Sincerely, Katie

art therapy art book, wordless art book, friendship breakup book, relationship break-up book, sadness and grief book, hope after sad book, friendship art, emotional art, art therapy, kmberggren silent story, a silent story wordless graphic novel, book of art without words
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