art doll sculpture, the midnight orange, clay emotion sculptures, emotional art sculpture, silent story art, art book without words, silent story kmbergren,

Silent Story Art Doll Auction

View the page devoted to A Silent Story


My son's surgery was a complete success! He is healing faster than everyone expected. We are home and doing very well, feeling so much gratitude and peace. He's back to playing and I'm back to the studio, off and on. THANK YOU so much for your loving vibes, prayers and wishes! I appreciate your care and kindness very much ♥♥


Something AWESOME is happening right now!


Remember I told you about the Silent Story Art Sculptures that were being created by my dear friend Dana of The Midnight Orange?

They are READY! They are on auction RIGHT NOW!

And the opportunity to snag one ends in just an hour!
8pm-915pm EST

art doll sculpture, the midnight orange, clay emotion sculptures, emotional art sculpture, silent story art, art book without words, silent story kmbergren,



As far back as I can remember, I found myself saying to people, “I speak in pictures”... and I’ve known since I was young that I can see things in my mind but have trouble putting them into words. So I drew. And I’ve always drawn, and this all makes sense to me now.


So, it’s no surprise to me that I am creating Silent Story. A book that shares a journey of emotions through IMAGES versus words. The thought of creating Silent Story with full text kinda freaks me out.

DO YOU RELATE to this? Seeing in your mind what you want to say... but fumbling on the words?

Silent Story feels like such a gift to me... a gift for my soul, and I came to realize while creating that it is a gift for you, too. With all my heart I create this book for us all.

read more Silent Story Blog Posts


art doll sculpture, the midnight orange, clay emotion sculptures, emotional art sculpture, silent story art, art book without words, silent story kmbergren,


Thank you for helping make this passion project a reality. My goal is for you to see yourself in these pages, in The Seeker’s journey. May you use this wordless art book to validate your own worthy story. 


Let me know if you have any questions and THANK YOU again!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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