Resisting Life | Don Miguel Ruiz | Zumba | Life Inspiration | Free Cards Winner

katie berggren
Skin To Skin by Katie m. Berggren

Skin To Skin by Katie m. Berggren ~ grab archival prints of Skin To Skin

I went to my very first zumba class this last week ~ and I knew I’d bumble. I did and I also had a really good time.

As we began moving about, I instantly remembered a comment my hubby made to me before I left that morning ~ about my choice of attire for the class (I was wearing cackies and a tshirt with a zippered hoody and tee shirt). His comment comment didn’t strike me as funny til I saw myself dancing in the mirrors in the dance barn.

I found myself cracked with smiles, glowing and beaming, ear to ear with even giggles. The old me, say, 3 months ago, would have held in that glee, stifled those smiles and stayed composed. I would have contained the real me that clamored to get out and enjoy my funny hubby.



I looked around and figured the other women probably thought I was totally digging the dancing, which I really was.

Don Miguel Ruiz says in his book The Four Agreements:

“That is why humans resist life. To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive – the risk to be alive and express what we really are. Just being ourselves is the biggest fear of humans. We have learned to live our lives trying to satisfy other people’s demands. We have learned to live by other people’s points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.”


And I instantly felt that this newbie-zumba-morning was the perfect opportunity to experience firsthand what Ruiz is referring to ~ that we do needlessly contain and control ourselves, that we do contrive ourselves and hide who we truly are.


When I let the true glee and joy of movement play with me ~ I had the best time and you know what? Even though I appeared to be the only newbie there, I was THE coolest – at least it seemed that way to me – next to the instructor whose beautiful free smile lit the room.


Hey Mamas! Remember a time when our freedom split us with happiness and we didn’t feel a need to censor ourselves? Do we censor our affection for our children when we are in public ~ do we contain ourselves and our joy around our children? Motherhood can be tricky because there are so many feelings about what the “right” think to do is, and what is good enough for others.

What do you think of Don Miguel Ruiz‘s thoughts about fearing life?
Let me know in the comment box below.

And I ask you to share this post ~ because his words are SO Necessary for our survival.

The Free Cards Winner for last week is Kati B. ~ email me Kati B! (

Love & Sincerely ~ Katie

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