rainbow paintings of women woman and bird paintings rainbow color artwork kmberggren

The Rainbow Hope Collection ♥ released

They've all become! Each layer of color was such a joy. Each set of hues sparkled my eyes and gave me feelings of treasure and jewels. 

Which fits, because KNOWING ourselves as women, FINDING a true friend, GROWING a new life, and ALL the challenges and TREATS that come from that... ARE treasures and jewels!!


rainbow paintings of women woman and bird paintings rainbow color artwork kmberggren



I now release the Rainbow Hope Collection to YOU!


Go see the collection here. You can choose the one-of-a-kind original of each piece, or a print. Let me know if you have any questions!


Quick Note: 2025 Art Calendars are now in-studio! I haven't even had a chance to open them up yet. They’ll ship the first of next week. Get your calendar, and see the paintings I chose to design it with!


Wishing you a beautiful end to your week! ♥

Love & Sincerely,


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