kmberggren silent story art therapy paintings book about breakup

Private Group, Sale on Early KmB Originals

Explore more about A Silent Story on the dedicated website,! 

Have you joined my private group on Facebook? This is where we are going deeper on my Silent Story, other projects, and getting to know some great members! This private group feels safer than dumping my ideas into the lap of the general public 😊 so far I love it. Come join!


The private group is where product releases are going to happen (soon: sticker packs, mini pendants...), as well as a giveaways and a potential upcoming auction for charity :) I've also just introduced a new book project I am working on!


Here is a sketch that I am SO glad I captured while in the thick of emotions that inspired the Silent Story - a little light came through my mental clouds and I saw this and caught it in a sketch!


And honestly, THIS is the place I've been almost ever since! Small storms come from time to time, but mostly, there IS light on the other side of pain. Creating and imagining and making NEW friends and connections that lift the heart and soul.

kmberggren silent story art therapy paintings book about breakup

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I have some *early* KmB paintings on *SALE* in my Etsy shop!

Want to secure some early collectible pieces? Pop over and see if there is one for you.


 Just look for "ON SALE!" in the product titles :)




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Have a wonderful week's end. Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy. 

Love & Sincerely, Katie




katie berggren art


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