Prints of the 8×8 Collection – it’s time

katie berggren

Dear wonderful supporters, buyers, collectors, fans, friends, family and silent anonymous readers & viewers (whom I’m looking forward to meeting) ~

Throughout the process of releasing the 85 8x8s Collection (February – October 2009), I received numerous emails from those who’d missed the opportunity to purchase a certain original as to whether or not I would offer prints of these paintings.

Unsure, I responded with “at this time, I’m not offering prints of this collection…” it made perfect sense at the time, to me and hopefully to them.

Two months have now passed since the 85 8x8s Collection has come to completion and all but three of the 85 paintings have found warm new loving homes. I am infinitely honored and pleased by this – but I still receive those questions and saying “no” now just seems so…. I don’t know…. mean and unfair?

If an image touches someone, why should they not have the option of purchasing a print of it. If it makes sense to them and tells a piece of their story (past, present or future) ~ if it makes them smile, think and/or remember, then who am I to tell them “no”.
To the wonderful owners of those warm loving homes where the Original 8x8s live, I hope that you will not feel anything but honored and justified in your purchase by knowing that other mothers and fathers out there want to own a print of the painting you snagged first.

It’s time.

Thus, I have now made a selection of prints from the 8×8 paintings available in the Online Etsy Shop.

However, if I make all 85 of them available tonite (or even this week), you’ll be talking me off the deck railing, so I’m accepting requests!

Email me ( or comment on this post (here at the blog) or on my Facebook page if there is a painting in the 85 8×8 Collection that you’d like a print of. I’ll then make it available for you and the world.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening – and anytime you anonymous readers/viewers want to chime in, you are 100% welcome! Do it on a Friday and you may win Free Cards!

Talk with you Thursday for the next 10×10 release into The Forty Minis Collection!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Related Images:

[See image gallery at]
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