The money has officially been given to Community Roots Collaborative it was awesome to meet Linda, the Executive Director, and to hear all about the efforts and plans of CRC.
Want to suggest a charity for the next Painting On Purpose Painting? Email me back. I also donate a LOT of art throughout the year to auctions and giveaways that support mothers and children
I’m just about the start the 16th painting in the Mindful Mothering Project (MMP). The MMP invites you to submit photos that may inspire a brand new painting. Interested? Share your moments.
The mama whose photo is chosen gets a free 12×12″ print of the finished piece.
The photo that inspired me this week was one submitted by Kelley and photographed by Sara Folk. This photo is so beautiful and I can hardly wait to set to work on my rendition of those big blue eyes
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this ~ Have a wonderful week’s end!
Love & Sincerely, Katie