POP benefits the Northwest Mothers Milk Bank ~ new mini mermaid painting

katie berggren
Exciting News! Remember when I introduced you to my Painting On Purpose (POP) project and first painting, titled If You Believe? This original painting has now SOLD (to one of my collectors in Russia)! I had the honor, 2 weeks ago, of taking ALL of the proceeds from this sale to the Northwest Mother’s Milk Bank.
Here’s a quick refresher of why I just gave NWMMB a check for $704:
Painting On Purpose is a new brain-child/project inspired by my Grandma Neva who turned 92 on the day this painting was released, February 6, 2015. My grandmother has always believed in me and my art, has always been supportive and happy that I could be a painter while being at home with my boys. My grandma taught me to walk when I was 17 months old and we have shared MANY special times together over the years. We have a tremendous connection.
My friend Liz accompanied me (with our 3 boys), and was my generous photographer, when we delivered the money to NWMMB, and visited with Grace:
The purpose of Painting On Purpose (POP) is to benefit others through my paintings ~ each year I will choose an organization to receive all of the funds from the purchase of an original painting. I chose the Northwest Mother’s Milk Bank for my first recipient.
NWMMB strives daily to collect, protect then provide a wonderfully healthy first food to local babies in need. They truly believe in, and truly ARE, saving lives and keeping families together, drop by precious drop. Learn more about NWMMB here. http://www.nwmmb.org. The second POP piece will start near the end of 2015, to be released February 6, 2016.
Also ~ It’s Thursday ~ so I have a new original MINI painting to share ~ this new mini chunky original 4×4″ painting is titled A Little Something, she is inspired by my recent mermaid mojo.
Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day! Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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[See image gallery at www.paintingmotherhood.com]
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