PLEASE don’t let me EVER treat you this way

hello there!

Recently, I had a bit of a run-in with a company I use every day. A company I am loyal to and pay a lot of money to. They hadn’t been responding to my emails, and in those emails I had been asking about a mistake that I felt they might be making… sure enough, they were making a mistake ~ and me and my business “fell through the cracks”. EEK!!

I felt so angry and let down. I sent a few emails letting them know that I was, at this moment, a very unhappy customer, and I needed the problem to be fixed. I waited on the phone for 40 minutes. I started a web chat… to make a long and angry-tear inducing story short, they helped me and all was well (just as I knew it would be at some point).

BUT, as I let my frustration out through tears (yep, I cry when I’m stressed, but I also laugh sometimes, so who knows!) I thought about how they SHOULD have handled the situation. How, even after I calmly explained to them all the different ways I had been ignored and not taken care of over the course of 10 days, there was just a little “I’m sorry about that” from one person and no apology from another. I felt very hurt.

My point? PLEASE don’t let me EVER treat you this way. If I’ve done something wrong for you, or your package has arrived from the Online Studio Shop and has felt anything but wonderful to you, please let me know! My community and collectors and customers and clients are SO valuable to me ~ YOU make it possible for me to paint in a home studio and be there for my children morning and afternoon.

YOU make it possible for me to feed my family with whole foods and fresh organic veggies. YOU make it possible for me to paint til my heart’s content, knowing that my work is doing more than just feeing MY soul ~ it’s feeding YOUR SOUL, too…

And I know this, because you’ve showed me and told me, over and over (thank you!).

Angry, frustrated tears cuz of me? Yah, no – never. I appreciate you and want you to feel loved. ‘Nuff said.

Wanna Spread Love Around? Click the share buttons on the right column of the blog page to share this information with other mamas ~ as customers, we certainly shouldn’t accept not being treated like gold

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Have a great day and I’m here if you need me,

Love, Katie

Katie m. Berggren



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