Parenting ~ Painting ~ Promoting

katie berggren

I’ve created a filter for things that come into my life: Parenting ~ Painting ~ Promoting. If something arises that requires my time and energy but doesn’t support my life and well-being in one of these three areas, then I let it go ~ with a smile.


This isn’t fool-proof and I don’t always succeed, but having it posted in the studio does help to remind me of the direction I want my energies to flow and helps me to pin-point my most popular energy- and time-suckers!


Today is FREE Card Friday! Comment on this post and you are automatically entered to win FREE cards! I will randomly choose and post my winner on Saturday, so be sure to check back!

Choose artwork for mom on canvas or paper, and give her a meaningful gift that will last a lifetime.


(above image: Clarity, learn more about Clarity here)
Have a great day


Sincerely, Katie
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