Painting On Purpose ~ Food For Orphans

It’s time to start the second painting in the Painting On Purpose Project.

Painting On Purpose (POP) is a project inspired by my sweet Grandma Neva who turned  92 on the day the first POP painting was released: February 6, 2015.

Painting On Purpose by Katie m. Berggren

I am currently working on the 2nd POP painting, to be released February 6, 2016 ~ you can follow along with her on the Facebook Page (I’ve posted a tiny video snip, too!) I even let my Facebook and Instagram communities help me choose which sketch to go with for this new painting.

See the 1st Painting in the Painting On Purpose Project, from February 2015, here.

Painting On Purpose, Painting #2 ~ 2016

The PURPOSE for this project is to give ALL of the proceeds from the sale of an original painting to a charity that benefits mothers and/or children.


In 2015 this project allowed me to give $704 to the NW Mothers Milk Bank in Portland, OR (see the delivery of the $ here).


This year for Painting On Purpose painting #2… I have chosen to give the money to Food for Orphans. I’m told from inside my soul that this is the right charity for my funds. So, I really hope I’m right


Please feel free to suggest charities for the upcoming years of Painting On Purpose (I plan to do this for as long as I possibly can… I see no reason to stop).

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Also, this past week’s new original mini painting is called Sweet Ocean ~ this original painting has SOLD, because a mama who saw her on Facebook (before she was completely done) asked to claim her. YOU can do this too… if you ever see a piece in process (I post on Facebook and Instagram) and feel a connection, don’t hesitate to ask if you can snag her. I’ll let you know if someone else has already done so, or if the piece is a commissioned piece.


Find archival paper and stretched canvas prints of Sweet Ocean, here.


First Come First Served is how it has to be with these mini original paintings

Sweet Ocean by Katie m. Berggren

Sweet Ocean by Katie m. Berggren


Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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