Painting 5 of 6 ~ mini painting, Certainty ~ family of 4

Here is the fifth painting for the week… Certainty. Tomorrow will bring the final mini original painting of the week… Certainty is available here, while she lasts.

Certainty, original mini painting on paper by Katie m. Berggren,

I’m so excited about these one-of-a-kind original paintings on heavyweight acid-free paper ~ the outer edge size is 6×6”. I am losing myself in them and am thinking of them as little honest windows into the mother/child connection. I could go on and on… I am releasing one per day for 6 days ~ These mini one-of-a-kind pieces are starting at $49 and each one comes with a retired KmBerggren studio paint brush. A brush that has served me for months of creating ~ now for you to hold.

Want to get email notifications of these pieces? Join here: ~ I also post them on Facebook, but they have often sold before I get a chance to post them there. Email is the best way to be first to see them

ALL OF THE FOUR PAINTINGS RELEASED (before today) HAVE SOLD, but here they are and let me know if you’d like a print of any of them.

Monday: A Simple Love, original sold ~ let me know if you’d like a print!

Tuesday: A Thousand Thank Yous, original sold ~ let me know if you’d like a print!

Wednesday: Come Together, original sold ~ let me know if you’d like a print!

Thursday: Love On Purpose, original sold ~ let me know if you’d like a print!

Friday: Certainty, TODAY’S PAINTING, currently available!

Saturday: stay tuned to Facebook or get on the email list to see her!



Wonder, the third Painting On Purpose painting by Katie m. Berggren ~ money to charity!

I am SO pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual Painting On Purpose (POP) painting has SOLD! Her name is WONDER – she is a 24×24” original painting and the money from her sale ($995) will VERY SOON go to BRIDGE THE GAP, a community outreach program enriching the lives of abused & neglected children in Clark County, WA State (my county!).

POP is a project inspired by my sweet Grandma Neva and each year on her birthday I release a new Painting On Purpose painting for charity.

WONDER is the THIRD Painting On Purpose Painting that has benefitted Mothers &/or Children.

In 2015 this project allowed me to give $704 to the NW Mothers Milk Bank in Portland, Oregon and in 2016, this project allowed me to give $455 to Food for Orphans.

See all of the POP paintings, and learn more here: ~ Thank you!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this ~ Have a wonderful week!

Love & Sincerely, Katie


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