NOW = Graceful Nature Collection ♥ 3 Days Of Grace

NOW = Graceful Nature Collection ♥ 3 Days Of Grace


The original paintings in the Graceful Nature Collection have just been released. And 3 Days Of Grace starts now - all the awesome details are below.


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Strength & Mending and Of Our Nature are 2 of the 15 new pieces. See all 15



Introducing the Graceful Nature Collection

The time has come to move from creation to release. To put behind me the days of satisfying a distracted soul using a paintbrush and colors. Long moments with music-thumping; soaking up pure satisfaction and communion with the women developing beneath my fingertips.

They are now developed. They’ve been visualized, sketched, painted and infused with spirit. They brought with them their stories, these graceful companions, and I share it all with YOU.


Each painting in the Graceful Nature Collection has her story, and has filled my last 2 months with purpose and intention. These butterflies float behind my eyelids, visit me in my dreams, and fill my studio. Go read their stories

~~~ ♥♥♥ ~~~


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3 Days Of Grace Begins Now

♥Every original painting purchased in this Collection between NOW and Thursday, will include an original custom family line drawing. ($50 value)


All Graceful Nature purchases (originals and prints) include a copy of the Graceful Nature Collection ebook featuring sketches, process and behind the scenes notes. ($5.99 value)


Choose TWO or more originals (in any collection) in the same transaction to automatically receive a 15% savings. Only through Thursday.


6 Raffle Drawings, starting tonite: (2) at 6pm PST tonite, (2) at 6pm Wednesday and (2) at 6pm Thursday. No purchase necessary to enter, and there's still time!

The winners will be emailed, and the prizes include:



~ TONITE: a coupon for 25% off your next order at
~ TONITE: an original painting on deep canvas (below, $266 value)

~ a rad gift set of a variety of KmBerggren art items (cards, magnets, stickers, coasters) ($30+ value)

~ a 13x19 inch Graceful Nature print of your choice ($74 value)

~ a set of 4 KmBerggren illustrated books ($83 value)

~ A Silent Story Book (my graphic novel) & Coloring Book set ($46 value)

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There is only ever ONE ORIGINAL of each KmBerggren painting. I can always create a custom piece inspired by one, but no two paintings will ever be the same.


Interest-free payment plan options are available in the shop, let me know if you have any questions.

uplifiting art for women, wall decor for girls room, growing girl artwork, inspiration art for young girls, motivation for mother, inspiration art for moms, paintings of women, paintings of girls, paintings of strength, strong woman gift, woman vision board, paintings of mothers, paintings of moms, mom and baby art prints,


THANK YOU for your support! I really enjoyed falling into the creation of this collection.


Love & Sincerely,



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