No Matter The Sky – Gift Certifs – Buy 3 Get 1 Free

katie berggren

Introducing Kindred Collection painting #21 ~ her name is No Matter The Sky, and she is to celebrate devotion despite the weather: social weather, mental weather, emotional weather, nature’s weather… come storm, rain, sun or sadness: we are here for each other.

We get off track sometimes, but how nice to know there is always a safe place to come home to: the arms of our loved ones, big or small. This piece was inspired by lying with my son several nights ago – he shared his worries with me, and I did my best to absorb them ~ removing his burden. He slept like a rock that night.

No Matter The Sky original painting by Katie m. Berggren No Matter The Sky original painting by Katie m. Berggren No Matter The Sky original painting by Katie m. Berggren No Matter The Sky original painting by Katie m. Berggren No Matter The Sky original painting by Katie m. Berggren





It’s getting late to receive Christmas Gifts via mail BUT, it’s not too late for Gift Certificates! Give the gift of Choice, Love & Moments ~ and I will email your gift certificate straight to your loved one ~ OR, I’ll email it to you and you can print it and wrap it.

Gift Certificates for Motherhood Art


Do this:

1) add a card (certificate) to your cart here
2) choose who it goes to and how much you’d like to give.
3) choose EMAIL for how you’d like it sent – If YOU want to print it and wrap it, put in YOUR email address. If you want ME to email it to your loved one, put in HER email address.

If you’d like me to be sure and email the certif ON Christmas Eve, just let me know! Otherwise, it’ll send within 12 hours of your order.

Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!






To help you with last-minute gift giving, I’ve create a special package of Motherhood Calendars for 2019 – I have about 20 calendars left, and I’d love for them to be under Christmas trees – awaiting their happy new owners! Buy 3 and get the fourth free (saves $22) plus, all USA folks can choose $5 flat rate shipping and the package of calendars will ship via Priority 1-3 Day Mail!

Buy3GetOneFree Motherhood Calendars

Thank you, Sincerely, Katie

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